Contacts:, +385 98 968 1827, Skype: bestofzagreb

Zagreb cathedral

The cathedral as you can see it today, well we had another strong earthquake March 22nd 2020, and the cathedral was damaged. Read here about its history. Huge reconstruction works from late 19th and beginning of the 20th century, after the earthquake of November 9th 1880 (6.3 on Richter scale) created the cathedral as we new it until 2020. But this beautiful building stands...
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Running in Zagreb

And around Zagreb Yesterday on my walking-running routine I ran into a marathon runners. It was the Sava half-marathon run on April 4th on the banks of the Sava River. There was 718 runners registered, and it was a fantastic view of the runners running along the bank of the river. See the detail about the Sava half-marathon. We have several interesting races in Zagreb. In Se...
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The Green Zagorje

The gentle green landscapes with hills, fields and valleys, rivers and streams, lakes, ponds and hot springs - this is the Croatian Zagorje. Situated south of the baroque picturesque city of Varazdin, north of Zagreb, i.e. on the “other side” of the Medvednica Mountain. The popular song from Zagorje describes the region's selfawarenss as Green: “Lepe ti je, lepe ti je, Zagorje...
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Plitvice Lakes National Park

The excursion to the Plitvice Lakes National Park offers to our visitors the possibility to discover the oldest national park in Southeast Europe, and the biggest and the most visited national park in Croatia. The Plitvice Lakes region was proclaimed a national park in 1949, and because of the unique quality of the natural landscape and biodiversity it was added to the UNESCO W...
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Visiting Zagreb

Here are some practical information for those of you coming to Zagreb and wishing to explore the city. The Zagreb cathedral is open for visitors form 10 am to 5 pm from Monday to Saturday, on Sundays from 1 pm to 5 pm.  Outside those hours you can enter but without a guide, and you probably won’t be able to look around and photograph, because of the masses. Often the visit is...
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